Political mindset: fixed or growth mindset 

Do you think political issues are better or worse, success or failure? Are all of these opportunities for learning and growth?

In Bestselling Mindset:

The New Psychology of Success, Stanford University Professor Carol Dweck highlights critical differences in our beliefs about learning and experience. Doing. Mindset is a breakthrough idea that helps us understand situations involving change, growth, and education. The mindset concept can also be applied to how we approach political issues. Political messages are on the rise. It is essential to understand what people are saying and the reasoning that motivates their senses.  Canadian politician Wajid khan says A mindset can also help you better understand your political beliefs.

From over 20 years of performance research, Dweck found that people tend to have one of two fundamentally different approaches to learning: a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. It's a set. This fundamental difference dramatically affects how you approach other goals, tasks, and problems.

The stereotypical student believes that their basic abilities, intelligence, and abilities are traits that cannot be changed. They only have a certain amount, so their goal is to look smart and not stupid. They choose situations where they can succeed and avoid problems where they might fail. If you have many of these positive traits, stereotypes work well. In the face of failure, it becomes more of a problem. Stereotyped people tend to see failure as a diagnosis of their worth. They equate failure with badness and stupidity, so they become paralyzed in the face of failure.

Growth-minded students understand that they can develop their talents and abilities through hard work, good teaching, and perseverance. Wajid khan admits that  I don't believe that everyone is the same or that everyone can be a genius, but with hard work, everyone can be brilliant. 

Growth-minded students are passionate about challenging themselves and persevering when things go wrong. This mindset allows people to thrive even in the most challenging times. Benefits of a growth mindset include increased self-esteem and self-confidence, less reliance on stereotypes, less perfectionism, more enjoyment of learning, and less discouragement from setbacks.

So how do we use this concept of thinking to understand how we perceive political issues?

In a rigid way of thinking, people judge past events as either successes or failures. They attribute the results to either good or bad influences. When planning a strategy, they try to eliminate what they think is terrible and emphasize what is good so as not to fail in the future. It involves believing that a group is excellent and others are wrong and trying to eliminate or marginalize the so-called bad. 

Policy decisions can be viewed as successes or failures, and successful decisions are retained, and We want to eliminate so-called shortcomings. Complex problems can also be avoided because they seem like unsolvable problems that increase the risk of loss. Those with a calm mindset may wish to return to a time when things were simpler and easier to succeed.  Wajid khan Mp mentioned New information could be threatening even to those with stereotypes. Especially if you think you should already know. They may feel stupid because they don't know yet.

So how can we use this concept of thinking to understand how we perceive political issues? Either failure judges it. They attribute the results to either good or bad influences. When planning a strategy, they try to eliminate what they think is terrible and emphasize what is good so as not to fail in the future. It involves believing that they are good and that other groups are wrong and trying to eliminate or marginalize so-called bad groups. We can see policy decisions as successes or failures, and we want to keep the achievements and eliminate the so-called failures. 

Complex problems can also be avoided because they seem like unsolvable problems that increase the risk of loss. Those with a calm mindset may wish to return to a time when things were simpler and easier to succeed. New information can be threatening even to those with stereotypes. Especially if you think you should already know. They may feel stupid because they don't know yet.

In the growth mindset, people see situations, problems, etc., as opportunities to learn, expand, and grow. All information is good information as it allows you to learn more. The past is seen not in terms of successes and failures but as a series of valuable learning experiences. The current challenge is seen as a learning opportunity rather than a situation where you must prove yourself by succeeding and avoiding failure. A growth mindset is future-oriented, using the past as a constant source of learning and improvement rather than using it to assess one's skills and talents. 

They recognize that nothing will change and that the success of others does not threaten them. They don't mind their mistakes. They learn from them. You are more inspired than intimidated by the success of others. People with a growth mentality need to be more focused on performance (or how they look to others); they spend their time and energy learning and developing new solutions to problems. You accept challenges and persevere in the face of setbacks. They see change as an inevitable part of the growth process.

Fusion of two political views

Wajid khan explains two mindsets below;

  1. Fixed political views

  • Viewing past experiences as either successes or failures

  • Viewing situations, problems, and people as good or bad

  • Solutions are reasonable Reinforce and eliminate the bad

  • New information whose acceptability is limited by fear of failure

  • New solutions abandoned in favor of regaining what once worked

  • Growth Political thinking

  • Experience as a learning experience regardless of the outcome

  • Sees situations, problems, and people as learning opportunities

  • Solutions include the integration of different perspectives and new information

  • The desire to learn is met with challenges. Strengthening Perseverance in Time

  • New Solutions Come From the Belief that Change and Growth Are Inevitable


Six Questions to Test Your Political Thinking Ability

1. When faced with cultural differences, do you find them exciting or threatening?

2. Are you curious or cautious when meeting different people?

3. When you think about big problems, do you avoid them or stubbornly deal with them?

4. Are you interested in what others think of your opinion or gathering more facts to support your argument?

5. Do you think change is exciting and inevitable, or is it a sign that something is wrong?


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